Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Good development

Things are moving.

1. Recapitalization - still work-in-progress.

"NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- The Treasury Department said Monday it had invested $15 billion in another seven banks, including two companies that recently completed large takeovers of other banks

2. Obama is contemplating tax cuts, putting more money in the consumers pocket, instead of all government spending. This is a very quick way of pumping money into the system. One thing is uncertain whether they will spend it or save it.

NEW YORK -- The dollar posted steep gains against the euro, the yen and the Swiss franc Monday amid optimism that a broad-based U.S. stimulus plan will help jumpstart the economy.

Investors were impressed by the size of the tax break, about $300 billion, which was contemplated by President-elect Barack Obama and congressional Democrats as a way to create jobs and pull the U.S. economy out of recession.

"Obama's tax cut, business incentives and breaks are currently deemed a positive surprise for corporate America," said Neil Jones, head of European hedge fund sales in London at Mizuho Financial Group Inc. "The dollar has performed well across the board."

3. Beside conventional tool of cutting rate, The Fed steps in to buy bonds to lower borrowing costs. They are doing something, doing doing something fast. Based on Japanese experience was a failure, can American succeed?

The Fed announced plans to buy up to $700 billion in bonds backed by home and consumer loans and said in December that it may purchase longer-maturity Treasuries.

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