Saturday, February 14, 2009

Attention to all(single) value investors

You know I'm up to something when I put up that title, right? Just to lighten things up - GBC(Geh Poh Chee)a bit. How is your Valentine's day? A little perspective from me. Value investors love bargain, if you are dating seriously, have you thought of getting married this year? Yeah, I mean getting married during recession. Double happiness(huat-huat) reasons:

1. 70% discount on dowry if you play your cards right.

2. 50% of your friends will not turn up - save you a lot XO & Hennessy.

3. Gold price is going to double(my conservative target, some says it will go up by 3X) when economy recover.

4. Value investors don't like competitions, the less people getting married, the more choices you have - your girl friend(fiancee) will have many beautiful gowns to choose. It's buyer's market.

5. Your saving is not going to produce great return during this bear market. This is probably a rational investment.

6. If you can time the arrival of your first born - most likely - recession will end by 2010. You will be less stressful to foot diaper and milk powder bills. I know you can do it because you are a great "market timer", in case you are wrong, your wide margin of safety will protect you - you are still way ahead of your peers.

7. A little stress test(during recesion) for both of you, just to check whether your "LOVE EQUITY" is well capitalized. Swearing in the name of God of this vow

to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death.

is one thing, but putting into practise is another. However, in case you run into trouble, you can tap into TARP while it is still available.

8. Why wait if you are truly, madly in love?

Happy Valentine's day!

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