Sunday, February 8, 2009

I heard you

Regular readers will know Turtle wears many hats - a small timer, a value investor, a speculator, a trader and the most important - a human. If you talked to your investment adviser they will bombard you with lectures you got to invest. Now is the best time. They will pull out charts to show you how cheap are equities, they can quote Warren Buffett, Jim Rogers and etc. This is the best time to put your money to work and bla...bla..bla. I know in the hearts of many, you're probably thinking --- I know but where the hell I got money??!?!? *#@xx. Some of you probably already on no pay leave or even out of job. Yes sir and madam - I heard you.

Let me assure you this, when I started, I started very small. It was so small that they(investment adviser, unit trust consultant, etc) think I was wasting their time. When I started blogging, I want to make sure I am accountable for what I write or share - that is why I created a Turtle porfolio to track the results over time. I can write all the wonderful things, at the end of the day, it's return that count.

I was limiting myself to $ 888/month which is an amount that could be tough for many but doable. I want to make sure I invest within constraints of majority of you. I want to limit myself further to share the struggles of many working Malaysians fighting recession, slow down or what ever they want to call it, I am going to cut 30% of that $ 888/month for next six month. We will review again to see how is the condition of the overall economy. So, Turtle portfolio will have $ 620 / month for the next six month.

When the going gets tough, tough get going. Just don't quit!

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