After spinning for the last few days, I finally managed to find some time to relax. Wishing all a happy Chinese New Year. I find this horoscope is pretty funny and hope to just post it here for fun.
Get your coat. It’s going to be planes, trains and automobiles for vermin this year, as the year of the Tiger ushers in a busy period of travel and energy. Your reward for climbing out of the sewer? For those who put in the effort, hard work won’t go unnoticed, and while you’ll spend much of the year putting in 12 hour days and scuttling from place to place, you can expect to be rewarded with more cheese to take home. With all your energy spent on climbing the career ladder, you’ll have little time to chase the tail of potential partners and 2010 could be a lonely one for rodents.
The only way the Tiger and Oxen get on is when the former is tucking into the latter for dinner, so Oxen should expect a year of dodging arguments, brawls and man eating cats. Conflict may arise both at work and at home, as the personalities of those energised by the year of the Tiger clash with the rather more laid back Ox. While others around you ride the rollercoaster of highs and lows, Oxen should do what they do best… just keep on ploughing through.
Break out the grill and slap on some antelope, the year of the Tiger has arrived. Although your star is at the height of its power, there are a number of other celestial bodies working against the Tiger and while success is very possible this year, you need to pick which battles to sink your teeth into. Money issues may be too risky, while advancement at work maybe tricky, as the year of the Tiger brings out the hot blood in everyone. This is, however, a good year for bouncing around on the Savannah and making new friends and you should also be sure to give your coat a good licking, as your fiery nature is likely to bring a number of potential mates calling.
After much of 2009 was spent cuddled up in your burrow, it’s time for Rabbits to hop upstairs and enjoy a fantastic 2010. The energy and enthusiasm of the year of the Tiger is ideal for bunnies, and if you have plans, be they at work or at home, this is the time to dust them off and take action. On the romance front, 2010 may be the time to take a swing around the warren and see who you like, but the restlessness of the year makes it a bad time to build a burrow together. Your best chance for success in 2010 lies in career advancement and putting your bank account the right side of rosy. Intelligence combined with your natural energy is the key to success, and as long as look at all the angles, you’re sure to make the right choices.
Sharing a similarly fiery personality with the Tiger, Dragon’s will need to clip their wings a little in 2010, if they are to find success. Spitting fire and stealing maidens will attract attention and is to be avoided. Stay in your cave and continue to work diligently on your relationships, career and love love life and you will be rewarded.
The knives are out for snakes in 2010, as conflict with the ruling tiger sign will see a year of backstabbing, plotting and betrayal. Personal relationships are likely to be particularly fraught, while snakes can also expect some poisonous arguments in the bedroom with partners. With tensions high you may be motivated to make snap judgments. Don’t, level headed Snakes who stay calm and don’t bite back should be able to win friends to their side, which will bring success both at home and work.
Horses will have many fences to jump in the Year of the Ox, but the year should bring much more happiness than 2009. There is success to be had, both in your home life and in business, but you will have to be careful not to gallop off down the wrong track, as the potential for a tumble is also lurking. You should look to old friends and family for advice, and be wary of counsel from those who may not have your best interests at heart.
With much of 2010 spent butting heads, 2010 promises far more fulfilment for Goats as your natural intelligence and commitment work hand in hand with the energy of the tiger sign. Goats are likely to prosper in relationships, both romantic and platonic, and this is a great year to give your coat a wash and go out a visit neighbouring pastures. You should, however, be wary of lending money or entering partnerships with your new found buddies, your confidence later in the year may lead to you agreeing to things you’ll later regret.
Pack your bananas, 2010 is likely prove low on monkey business and high on work for primates, as both your career and home life undergo periods of change .As rivals in the jungle, Tigers and Monkeys don’t see eye to eye, and unless you toil hard, much of this change will work against you. You should be particularly wary of undertaking any major decisions in the next twelve months; opportunities to swing from tree to tree may seem advantageous at the time but without careful planning you may fall flat on your ass. If you do find yourself in trouble, be sure to turn to family and friends who will be happy to offer advice, support and pick the fleas from your back.
Roosters will have much to cock-a-doodle-do about in 2010, as the stars align to usher in twelve months of good fortune. If you’ve been keeping all your eggs tucked away, now is the time to think about investing them. Whether buying a new house, opening a new business or splashing out on a new car, your choices with money in 2010 are likely to be fortuitous. Ambitious roosters who are looking to climb the career ladder should also find some opportunities for promotion. The only drawback is your love life, and you’re likely to spend most of 2010 eating chicken feed for one.
Canines who want to get the best out of 2010 will need to spend less time sitting around scratching themselves and more time out on the hunt. Success is waiting for dogs in the year of the tiger but it won’t necessarily be easy to find. You should try and build on your reputation as dependable and loyal at work, which, while unexciting, is likely to be appreciated in a year packed with fiery hot heads. For those looking to share their kennel with a canine friend, you need to get out more and let people know that you are the cream of Crufts.
Pigs spent most of 2009 trying to avoid being turned into pork chops and thrown on the pan by jealous enemies and spurned lovers, luckily the year of the Tiger is lucky one for the Pig and they should break free of the butchers and enjoy success on all fronts. In particular, 2010 should give career hogs a chance to showcase their superior brainpower, resulting in promotions at work and a swelling piggybank. Back in the sty, pigs should plot to settle down, as the year of the tiger will bring intense and long lasting relationships rather than quick flings.
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