Does the rally have more hops? asked the Star on the front page of Star Biz Week.
Hmmm, the immediate question came to my mind was who is the Patsy? Patsy by definition is a person that can be swindled easily or sucker. If you are playing poker, that is the guy you should bully.
Reading through the whole centerfold story, most of them think that 1,800 would be an easy piece. Most of them also feel that it will be achieved in the first half while second half of 2011 will be ?????????? many many question marks. Those buy at this level is convinced that there will be buyers at 1,800 but those buy at 1,800 would expect it to breach 2,000. Hmmmmmm......how many buyers out there really have a conviction of 2,000 points target?
Then I looked at the chart and critical events listed in the same article. Since I can't fit the whole page here, I have to be creative and folded the newspaper cutting to show the punch line. Here is the reproduction(click on the image to enlarge).

So who is the Patsy again? Double F.
Sorry if I mislead you to think something vulgar. Indeed you will get double F if you are not careful. ( I know I have some lady and religious readers, please pardon me, I just want to emphasize a point, a very strong point).
I could not find any data of foreign funds ownership all the way back to 1993 super bull run but limited data does show that high foreign ownership is coincides with the peak.It's either they have been churning out juicy stories to sell to their clients or they sparked the fever and many of the local get caught at the end.

The plot is getting thicker. That is because the benchmark index(KLCI or FBM-KLCI or whatever equivalent) is at its 38 years high. Any trend player will want to pile in to play for a while. Get out from the kitchen if you can't stand the heat, some seasoned chef might tell you..........It's too early to fold but just be careful.
Halo friend, my sifu shames ta friend alex lu again, read the below>
Friday, January 7, 2011
^V^ Bot 45 lots of Pantech-wa @ 0.285 n Citi @ USD3.70+, OMG ! Alex lu lu, now only u called 2 buy citi @ USD4.95 ? ^V^
Bot in 45 lots of Pantech -wa @ 0.285 last Friday ( see d attachment ) , within a week, it is now 0.41cts , >82% $$$$$ return from it ^_- do I need tak ada akal method 2 tell my entry ?
Same goes 2 Citi , bot in citi @ avg cost of 3.65+ 4 months ago , citi is now closed @ 4.95 , once again, do I need tak ada akal ta method 2 tell my entry ?
Now take a look at Alex lu lu, he was calling buy on citi @ 4.95 today , read d below n see d attachment :-
Citigroup has broken above its triangle at USD4.80
For those who set their sight far & wide, you may take a look at Citigroup, which has just broken above its symmetrical triangle at USD4.80. I do not have a target for this stock but I believe the long-term prospect of Citigroup is fairly good. For a closer look at how far this stock has dropped since its heydays, go to Yahoo Finance (here).
Chart: Citigroup's daily cahrt as at Jan 5, 2011 (Source: Stockcharts)
Posted by Alex Lu at 1/06/2011 05:39:00 PM
Ha ha... first , y cant his ta tell him 2 buy citi @ 3.65 ? http://samgang.blogspot.com/2010/10/v-mission-completed-sunway-154-n-6.html
? y ? ta not workable ?
Second, we hv already made about usd 1,300 per lot in pocket then only ta loser called 2 buy citi @ 4.95 , dont u think it is "STUPID" ???
Is that what u called ta can times d entry ? ha ha
now u shld know y ta losers got themselves burnt !! do I need 2 say more ?
By now, u should know y I said ta is tak ada akal method ?
Yah lulu, Evergreen closed @ 1.51 today , is Evergreen still a sell ? Alex lulu's call 2 sell Evergreen @ 1.45 >
Calling 1, calling 2 lulu, is Evergreen still a sell ? or u need 2 wait until Evegreen break above 1.80 then only u call buy ?
K..back 2 my private blog , I hv called 2 buy xxxxx today n this bugger has rose 4.5 % after my call :-
Latest update :-
Bot 45 lots ????? @ 0.???35 ...goodies of ????? ... ^_-
Y ?????
First ...1st qtr giving u ??cts + , 4 x ??? = ???cts , which giving u PE of 4 !Q 2 Q revenue growing from 5???10 to 82??? ^_-
52 weeks high n low, 0.?? : 1.4?
D best was,,, she is involved in Property, construction n oso plantation, wowww. all these r current theme ! n oso its qe will be out by this month end, based on d hike of cpo n booming of property sector, its coming qe shld be a flying one.
Its vol is pretty good lately , as u can see... construction stocks n property stocks all going up like 2molo lately, hence..I believed ????? will do d catching up soon.
D only short fall was..previously she was from second board , with mkt gaining of 300 points since last year, @ 0.??+,,,it is pretty safe 2 buy in n its upside potential is great .
4low or not..u decide ^_-
Halo friend, my sifu shames ta friend alex lu again, read the below>
Friday, January 7, 2011
^V^ Bot 45 lots of Pantech-wa @ 0.285 n Citi @ USD3.70+, OMG ! Alex lu lu, now only u called 2 buy citi @ USD4.95 ? ^V^
Bot in 45 lots of Pantech -wa @ 0.285 last Friday ( see d attachment ) , within a week, it is now 0.41cts , >82% $$$$$ return from it ^_- do I need tak ada akal method 2 tell my entry ?
Same goes 2 Citi , bot in citi @ avg cost of 3.65+ 4 months ago , citi is now closed @ 4.95 , once again, do I need tak ada akal ta method 2 tell my entry ?
Now take a look at Alex lu lu, he was calling buy on citi @ 4.95 today , read d below n see d attachment :-
Citigroup has broken above its triangle at USD4.80
For those who set their sight far & wide, you may take a look at Citigroup, which has just broken above its symmetrical triangle at USD4.80. I do not have a target for this stock but I believe the long-term prospect of Citigroup is fairly good. For a closer look at how far this stock has dropped since its heydays, go to Yahoo Finance (here).
Chart: Citigroup's daily cahrt as at Jan 5, 2011 (Source: Stockcharts)
Posted by Alex Lu at 1/06/2011 05:39:00 PM
Ha ha... first , y cant his ta tell him 2 buy citi @ 3.65 ? http://samgang.blogspot.com/2010/10/v-mission-completed-sunway-154-n-6.html
? y ? ta not workable ?
Second, we hv already made about usd 1,300 per lot in pocket then only ta loser called 2 buy citi @ 4.95 , dont u think it is "STUPID" ???
Is that what u called ta can times d entry ? ha ha
now u shld know y ta losers got themselves burnt !! do I need 2 say more ?
By now, u should know y I said ta is tak ada akal method ?
Yah lulu, Evergreen closed @ 1.51 today , is Evergreen still a sell ? Alex lulu's call 2 sell Evergreen @ 1.45 >
Calling 1, calling 2 lulu, is Evergreen still a sell ? or u need 2 wait until Evegreen break above 1.80 then only u call buy ?
K..back 2 my private blog , I hv called 2 buy xxxxx today n this bugger has rose 4.5 % after my call :-
Latest update :-
Bot 45 lots ????? @ 0.???35 ...goodies of ????? ... ^_-
Y ?????
First ...1st qtr giving u ??cts + , 4 x ??? = ???cts , which giving u PE of 4 !Q 2 Q revenue growing from 5???10 to 82??? ^_-
52 weeks high n low, 0.?? : 1.4?
D best was,,, she is involved in Property, construction n oso plantation, wowww. all these r current theme ! n oso its qe will be out by this month end, based on d hike of cpo n booming of property sector, its coming qe shld be a flying one.
Its vol is pretty good lately , as u can see... construction stocks n property stocks all going up like 2molo lately, hence..I believed ????? will do d catching up soon.
D only short fall was..previously she was from second board , with mkt gaining of 300 points since last year, @ 0.??+,,,it is pretty safe 2 buy in n its upside potential is great .
4low or not..u decide ^_-
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