Sunday, September 25, 2011

Found good gardening resource

A couple of months ago, a reader asked me what would I recommend to have a garden with minimum maintenance. Unfortunately, this does not exist in the world of gardening. If you really like to have a garden but do not have knowledge or time for it, you will have to compensate with the weakness with money. You may have to cough out about $ 200 - $ 300/month to get some services from a nursery. They will perform maintenance routine like pruning, fertilizing, treating diseases and lawning. Even you are prepared to spend money, the very minimum task you have to perform is watering. Worse still, if you abandon your garden half way, it will turn into a jungle and that will really make you depress. I'm not trying to scarce you but it really demands commitment.

I found a lot of ideas from

What I like the most is the BEFORE and AFTER effects of each project. There are a lot of things we can learn from each project. This is an example of low maintenance garden. I would not recommend the waterfall though(it's high maintenance actually).

garden designer in bangkok

garden maintenance thailand

thai gardener

pebble and rock garden

thai garden

The other blogspot that I found was

The blogger has stopped blogging but he left a lot of tips on growing rose. Check it out.


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