This cannot go on forever. I cannot allow hung jury. Over the weekend, I hope to put my thoughts in print, electronically of course, why I like this stock.
(This is not Turtle Trader or Trend Following blog. All stock and strategy mentioned in this blog do not represent buy or sell. This is my digital diary to express my thoughts and opinions about the world of investing. Ultimately, you will be responsible for your own decision. Please consult your investment adviser before taking any investment position).
Dear Turtle Investor,
Yeah, Dutch Lady has easily outperformed KLCI. Manage 2 buy the stock @RM 18.00 whn mkt plunge to 1310.Already sitting on 26 % profit in less than 4 mnths.With RM 145 mln cash and no borrowings it can reward shareholders with consistently generous dividends This is a stock one can keep for a long time.With only 64000 mln shares, it might even give a bonus issue in the future.
nice blog
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