1. Media on portable devices. If it's something you have personalized it, you will want to carry with you all the time. The space you need on a hard drive is quite big if you want to carry a big library with you. A two hour high definition Korean drama that I downloaded needs about 1.7 GB. If you want to bring 20 episodes with you, you will need at least 18 GB of storage space. Streaming over tens or hundreds of GB will not work.
That is why people is coming up with ideas of cloud computing. The whole idea is you will be able to access to servers that stored at a remote area. What it means you have a virtual hard disc that you can access via your mobile devices. Nice concept but streaming/synchronizing over a few hundred GBs is no fun.

A tech geek will carry a lot of stuffs -- iPad, notebook, desktop, smartphone and etc. Why can't we have a device that do everything -- talking, SMS, e-mail, blogging, watching pictures, work, stock market, etc.......
Why can't we have a device that can boot up almost instantly? A conventional disc drive can store a lot of data cheaply but can't boot up instantly. A solid state drive can boot up immediately but it's very expensive.
What am I saying? The want and desire is there but current solutions are too cumbersome. It has still some way to go before the rest of us to adopt this lifestyle.
2. Bandwidth. Malaysia rank 102 out of 152 countries in term of download speed. Can't agree more. I subscribe to 1MB TM broadband package. Though they said it's a 1MB download speed but what I got was only 112 k. Run it at full throttle, we should get 232 GB/month. Huge but what we want is NOW and faster! I suppose the internet provider is rationing the bandwidth and make our experience of digital entertainment less rewarding. I also subscribed to Celcom 3G, the download speed is much better, 400 k but I only have 5GB download quota. Will I want to pay more for Celcom data, no of course.
3. Content. Let's not divide ourselves as Gen X, Y or Z. Though the age gap between Gen X to Gen Z can be 30 years but to me we are all the same. In fact the generation gap between X, Y, Z is so small because of many similarities. These Gens are independent and generally tech savvy. They have become more individualistic and expect others to respect their uniqueness. I mean though we still yearn for the hugs hand holding and kisses, most of them are expressed with words, "emoticons", short forms, etc......on a little LED screen. They google things that will interest them. Pull demand works better than push demand.
Media company can invest a lot of money in contents but predicting what likely to sell well is extremely difficult. The biggest video library in the world is on youtube. I mean I can watch The Bill Crosby show, Full House, McGvyer, Knight Rider on youtube at free of charge.
In the final analysis, what I want is a big storage space, full keyboard, interactive touch screen, instant pop up, long batter life, huge bandwidth, a net browser.......
Since All-In-One features that I wanted are not here yet, I have decided to keep things status quo and simple -- a cell phone to talk and a notebook to do the rest of things. I will not go for Unifi Hypp TV, B.yond, iPad, iPhone, etc.....
You see a simple man is not necessary a man who cannot understand complexities. To be simple is not simply avoiding complexities. Avoiding complexities means we are shutting doors to learning opportunity. To me, simplicity is functional applications that allow an user to use it intuitively and beautifully.
Back to business, I believe the real winner in this internet evolution is still data wholesaler and NOT IPTV providers yet.
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