Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Turtle Portfolio Update. Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you.

I hope most of you can still remember me after absent from the blogsphere and market for a while. I hope to write more gradually but it will take me another few more months to warm up my fingers. Many of you know that I am waiting for KLCI to have more meaningful corrections before deploying cash for Turtle portfolio.

I have just done some updates for Turtle portfolio. From a humble beginning of RM 3,000 and monthly saving of RM 888, this portfolio stood at RM 59,088. The performance in the last 2 years were lagging badly but the portfolio was still able to generate annual compounding return of 2.57%. The consolation, this portfolio has never suffered a single year of negative return while dabbing his fingers in stock market.

However, however, however........

Please have mercy and do not laugh at the relative performance for its lagging the fixed deposit benchmark of 3%. If one were to compare to performance of bond or REIT which typically generating 5 - 8%, the under-performance is even glaring.

The moral of the story is diversify, diversify and diversify. Another point is no matter how skeptical you are on the 30 stocks on FBM-KLCI, when it go down, you got to own some.

As of now, the fiscal cliff fear is behind us. That should convert a few more skeptics bears to join the bulls. How far the markets can continue to rally does not concern me. The markets around the world mostly in good moods. At the personal level, I have some exposure especially Chinese related stocks. Those purchases were made before the market rallied sharply. Days and nights, I have been waiting to sell those holdings. Yeah, only sellers should cheer when markets are zooming up.

For buyers? For now, it is better off spending more time with family, hobby projects, golfing, fishing..........whatever......

The stocks will be cheaper by at least 15 - 20%,  6 to 9 months down the road.

For the rest of the day, I hope to continue my reading on Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol. I was making a commitment to finish that book before the new year. Age is really catching with me, while reading on my wife's new tablet, I dozed off before I can welcome 2013.


  1. That's a great book your reading. Can't believe you feel asleep while reading. Age must really be catching up! :)

    While you're into shares, I'm into long term investing. Diversify as you say. Dabble abit with shares but nothing of big value.

    Check out my blog at:


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