Monday, November 3, 2014

One of the best articles - Malaysia-Finance: Investing Paths

Time really flies. I first got to know Malaysia-Finance blogspot by reading his articles on The Star. That was in early 2008. I like his Investing Paths instantly and I think this can be a classic piece that will never aged.

He summed very nicely about different styles of investment and what every investor would most probably have gone through. I can relate instantly when I read his article because I tried most of them. What I like the best was his best advice that summed up nicely at the last paragraph of this article. 

P.S. I will be back and have a lot of things to say when the bear market is back! Until then posting will be extremely infrequent.


Investing Paths
Everyone who starts investing will try to understand the stock markets by talking with others who have been investing. Then we all move on to reading books by the Grahams, Lynchs and Buffetts of the investing world. Probably after losing more money, we will gravitate towards the technicals and charting gurus: the waves, oscillators, fibonaccis, RSI, momentum, etc. So what do we end up with?

Some of us stick to a tried and trusted way of investing, or just something we are comfortable with, or something we can understand. So which groupie do you belong to?

Fundamental Analysis – This group basically looks at the cause-effect in investing variables. This can be broken up into two groups, namely, top-down or bottom-up. The former refers to getting the macro picture and capital flows correct. This will give the investor a proper perspective on country and currency exposure. If you get the country and currency correct, it doesn’t really matter much about picking the right stocks. Get the big picture wrong and it matters little whether your have picked some great value stocks – great value stocks would remain just that, great value, not performing stocks.

Then there are those who would swear off the big picture volatility analysis, seeing stocks as basically long term companies doing a certain kind of business. The bottom-up investor would stay focus on picking undervalued stocks and based on the theory that holding a good long term stock would eventually outperform in the long run, riding out the volatility.

A financial analyst or business analyst would be doing things from a bottom-up perspective. Breaking down product lines, revenue streams, debt levels, cash flow analysis, product outlook, business model, margins and sustainability of earnings, among others.

To be fair, most fundamentals investors employ both approaches in some way or other. A top-down person would need to be more well versed with economics while the bottom-up needs to appreciate the nuances of accounting. People in this camp wants everything to be explained, the cause-effect. If they did not spot the correction beforehand, its because they haven’t been giving adequate attention to certain investing variables.

Put another way:
Top-Down Investing People with a bit of economics knowledge but scared shitless about accounting Bottom-Up Investing People who knows a bit about accounting but hates fiction

Then there are the ones who embraced technicals and charting religiously. These are basically pattern seekers, they try to find pattern from historical prices. To me, these are people who have basically given up trying to understand stocks. They are basically saying there is not much point trying to understand fundamentals, its either too hard or that it doesn’t matter much really in the end. On the other hand, the patterns and data may yield more than just trends, they believe that the human psychology and the way people invest are already reflected in past data: and they tend to repeat themselves. If you are able to decipher trends, breakouts and supports: you are golden.

To be fair, there are some who employ a mish-mash strategy of fundamentals and charting in investing. Here, I am not trying to say which is the better option as most reported studies tend to come to the conclusion that it is very difficult to beat the market in the long run. People like Buffett and Lynch are explained as minor aberrations to the data. This doesn’t sound good for the average investor, does it!

Big investment houses employ highly paid quants to do analysis and highly evolved econometric models to squeeze anomalies (returns) from the market place. Quantitative finance might sound like rocket science but even they are not infallible. Just look at the LTCM and Goldman Sach’s in-house hedge fund experience.

Hence, we cannot roll our eyes if a seasoned trader said that he/she relies on market rumours or whispers to make his/her stock selection. A bull market has the effect of making almost everyone think that they have harvested the ability to be brilliant stock pickers. A bull market only made it easier to pick performing stocks.

It is probably the mystique of being successful in investing that keeps investors baffled yet attracted to the field.
I am terribly sorry that I am not able to provide a better alternative to the above. I do feel that there are strengths and weaknesses with each of the investing strategy.

If I may try to add some value, is to encourage young investors to pay more attention to behavioural finance in addition to the stuff in textbooks. It is important to understand the madness of crowds. Another point is to read up more on investing variables, examine their cause-effect relationship, and then rank them in your head in order of importance. The trouble is you can read books and watch the business programs but you will be inundated with information overload. We have to learn to rank and sift the b.s. from the things that address the issues at hand properly.

To extend on the cause-effect on investing variables, we need to go further down the chain of events. Its like a good chess player and a grandmaster. A good player may be able to think 3 or 4 moves ahead but a grandmaster can go much farther. I do think by stretching your analysis, it gives you an edge.

We need all the help we can get. As Soros rightly put it, "More importantly, it is how much money you make when you're right about the market and how much you lose when you're wrong. " To do that: we need to get the big picture right; we need to get the exit, entry and cut loss prices right; and we need to pick the right stocks with corresponding valuation and growth implied, and note them when the variables start to deteriorate. We need all the tools that will help us achieve that.


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Unknown said...

I just love this article! You know I was looking for exactly the same information that you conveyed here. Actually I have to prepare a presentation on “investing paths”. Actually there is a competition in our college and Dr. Aloke Ghosh is the Chief Guest. You know he is the Member of American Accounting Association!!

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Looking forward hearing from you soonest.

Yours truly,
Mrs Kristina Anderson
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Avit Development Investment Authority(ADIA)
501 Avenue Montaigne,75008 Paris-France
Paris-France.Avit Development Investment Authority (ADIA)

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Hello Everybody,
My name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of S$250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of S$250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius,via email:( Thank you.


1. Name Of Applicant in Full:……..
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Unknown said...


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Anonymous said...

Greetings to you by ADIA.

We are a France-Paris based investment company known as Avit
Development Investment Authority working on expanding its portfolio
globally and financing projects.

We would be happy to fund and invest with you in any profitable
project if you have any viable project we can finance by making mutual
investment with you. If you are interested, kindly contact us for more details.

Looking forward hearing from you soonest.

Yours truly,
Mrs Rose Williams
(Personal Assistant)
Avit Development Investment Authority(ADIA)
501 Avenue Montaigne,75008 Paris-France
Paris-France.Avit Development Investment Authority (ADIA)

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Unknown said...

Am so happy and thankful to God for what he has done in my life,i am
Sharon from U.S.A after four years of seeking for loan online the internet
scammers has succeeded in taking from me the sum of $10,000.00 without
given me my loan, I lost every thing i have because of scam and ever since
i was scared to make contact online concerning loan. One day, as i was
browsing , i saw a comment by a woman name Kathrine Roland from U.S.A
thanking the Jackson Walton Loan Company for lending a loan saying that if
there is any one who also need loan are to contact the company and they
will surly lend any body loan so i took there email and i contacted them we
had every agreement to pay back the loan and i submitted my bank account to
them and they told i will receive my loan in 24 hours and to my greatest
shock, exactly 24 hours, my bank send me an alert of confirmation that the
Jackson Walton Loan Company has transfer my loan amount of $70,000.00
dollars to my account am so happy and i want to use this medium to advice
every one who is in need of loan or you have been scam in the past worry no
more contact the very right company who can lend out loan on ( and please beware of internet scams
most of this email of lenders you see online are all scams so contact the
Jackson Walton Loan Company because they are capable of given you your loan


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Hello Everybody,
My name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of S$250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of S$250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius,via email:( Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Private Lender Avit Investment Authority.
Greetings to you by ADIA.

We are a France-Paris based investment company known as Avit
Development Investment Authority working on expanding its portfolio
globally and financing projects.

We would be happy to fund and invest with you in any profitable
project if you have any viable project we can finance by making mutual
investment with you. If you are interested, kindly contact us for more details.
Looking forward hearing from you soonest.
Yours truly,
Mrs Rose Williams
(Personal Assistant)
Avit Development Investment Authority(ADIA)
501 Avenue Montaigne,75008 Paris-France
Paris-France.Avit Development Investment Authority (ADIA)

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We are a Government Approved/Registered Financial Company. Are you in any financial crisis? Do you need a LOAN to refinance your home, or expand your business? Do you need LOAN to settle urgent debts and stay with one lender? Do you need LOAN to pay off your bills etc? ranging from of $10,000 to $150,000,000.00 ($)USD, (£)GBP, (€)Euro, or Singapore Dollars($) Get your no obligation FREE quote now! Repayments up to 54 Months. No Collateral, Money paid into your account within 24 hours after approval. If you are interested in obtaining a LOAN, do not hesitate to send your request to us via e-mail: or wassup me at +233264866768

Unknown said...

I am Mr. Donald Moore ( ). A certifield and liecense Loan lender, OUR LOAN is 100% GUARANTEE with No social security, no credit check up and with 2% interest rate. We have a network of Investors that are willing to provide funds of whatever amount to individuals and organizations to start business and operations, All you need to do is let us know exactly what you want and we will surely make your dream come true.

We Render The Following Services:

Home Loans/Business Loans,
Bad Credit Loans/Commercial Loans,
Start-Up Working Capital Loans,
Construction Loans,
Car loans/Hotel Loans,
Personal Loans/Student loans
Debts Consolidation Loans AND other


contact: +1-619-720-0478
Office line: +1-307-275-8819
Whatsapp: +1-631-652-2495

Unknown said...


I am MRS JUAN ROMEO., currently living in United States, Nebraska. I am a widower at the moment with two kids and i was stuck in a financialsituation and i needed to refinance and take care of my children. Buas God would have it, i was introduced to JOSEPH TYLER FIRM by afriend of mine, whom is Brian Walker where i was given a loan at avery low interest rate to start up a business. I would advice anyone seeking for loan to contact the firm via:

Unknown said...

Do you need a loan at 3% to pay your bills or start up a business of your own? If yes ,contact US with this following details... GLOBAL SOLUTION FINANCE COMPANY

(1)Full Name
(2)Loan Amount Needed
(5)Phone numbers
Email Us:
Tell : +919205335862

Best Regards,

willaams said...

We are a Government Approved/Registered Financial Company. Are you in any financial crisis? Do you need a LOAN to refinance your home, or expand your business? Do you need LOAN to settle urgent debts and stay with one lender? Do you need LOAN to pay off your bills etc? ranging from of $10,000 to $150,000,000.00 ($)USD, (£)GBP, (€)Euro, or Singapore Dollars($) Get your no obligation FREE quote now! Repayments up to 54 Months. No Collateral, Money paid into your account within 2 hours after approval. If you are interested in obtaining a LOAN, do not hesitate to send your request to us via email: or wassup me at +233260941872 or TEXT TO PH: +1(409) 359-2407

Unknown said...

FAST LOAN OFFERS ONLINE AT SANDRA DOANLD LOAN COMPANY. Sandra Donald Loan Company is the leading provider of loan Worldwide, No matter what your financial condition, we can help get your very own cash.

We provide loan for:

*Debt consolidation

*Home improvement

*Unsecured loans

*Loans for bad credit

*Business loan

*Personal loan

*Student loan

*Auto loan

*Reduce your Credit Card Debt

*Real Estate and Mortgages at 2% interest rate. Our online loan offers is fast and

easy to apply. It is 100% Guaranteed and safe.

Do contact us now for more details at . Thank you

Unknown said...


Are you a business man or woman? Are you in any financial mess or Do you need funds to start up your own business? Do you need a loan to start a nice Small Scale and medium business? Do you have a low credit score and you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks and other financial institutes?. Interested applicants should Contact us via email: ( )

Our loans are well insured for maximum security is our priority, Our leading goal is to help you get the services you deserve, Our program is the quickest way to get what you need in a snap. Reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses. Gain flexibility with which you can use for any purpose from vacations, to education, to unique purchases. Interested applicants should Contact us via email: ( )

We offer a wide range of financial services which includes: Business Planning, Commercial and Development Finance, Properties and Mortgages, Debt Consolidation Loans, Business Loans, Private loans, Home Refinancing Loans with low interest rate at 1.00% per annul for individuals, companies and corporate bodies. Get the best for your family and own your dream home as well with our General Loan scheme. Interested applicants should Contact us via email: ( )


Please, contact us for more information: ( )
Kindly write us back with the loan information;
- Complete Name:
- Loan amount needed:
- Loan Duration:
- Purpose of loan:
- City / Country:
- Telephone:
- How Did You Hear About Us:

If you are interested to get a loan then kindly write us with the loan requirement. Please, contact us for more information: ( )
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Ceren Kelly

We look forward to hear from you ASAP

Interested applicants should Contact us via email:

willaams said...

We Offer Loans world wide from $10,000.00 to $100,000,000.00 with 3% interest rate.Anybody interested should email back with amount needed . If you are interested in obtaining a LOAN, do not hesitate to send your request to us via e-mail: or CALL me at +233260941872 or PH: +1(409) 359-2407

Unknown said...

Are you tired seeking Loan to finance your Business, has Bank stress be upon you all this years and you cannot get Loan to start up your Business, or are you financially embarrassed that you cannot pay up your Debt and Bills, Do you think of getting a Loan ? Are you seriously in need of an urgent loan? while don't you hurry now and Grab your Guaranteed and Secured Loan today at Nabil Al-Mubarak, we give out the best service ever to all our customer, and will are working towards an beyond our customers reach and expectation, as we Render out all kinds of Loans. to Loan seekers, Individuals, Cooperate Organization's, Companies, and so on .Contact us At :


First Name: ……………………..
Last Name: ………………………..
Contact Address: . …………….
State ……………………………….
Gender: ……………………………
Amount Needed: ……………….
Loan Terms & Duration:……….
Telephone: …………………………

Contact us At :
You can also text :417-279-4235

Osman Ibrahim said...

Are You In Need Of A Private Or Business Loans At 3% Rate For Various Purposes If Yes, Contact us with this details below

Full Name:
Amount Needed:
Country: Cell No:
Email us Via

Cell No +919205467093
Mr. Osman Ibrahim

Osman Ibrahim said...

Instant Personal Loans – There are times when you might need money urgently at a very short notice but are running out of cash. You may wonder as to which lender might sanction a loan at such an occasion! Much to your surprise, you can avail instant personal loans immediately. They are processed very fast, say within 24 hours. You can use these loans for any personal need of yours. You also have the choice to apply for this loan online. Yes, within the comfort of your home, you can apply for this loan and save yourself of all the hassles which you might have to go through otherwise contact us now: email:

1) Full Name:
2) Gender:
3) Loan Amount Needed:.
4) Loan Duration:
5) Country:
6) Home Address:
7) Mobile Number:
8)Monthly Income:
)Which did you here about us.

Do you need an urgent loan at 3% APPLY:

willaams said...

I am private loan lender/officer based in GH. I am looking to connect with individual and companies in need of loan assistance World wide. I give out easy, fast and non collateral loans. Write back to now via email to apply,if you are in need or have not yet been credited with one, i can help. NOTE: Blacklisted can apply too. do not hesitate to send your request to us via e-mail:( or WARSUPP me at +233264866768 or PH: +1(503) 773-9864

Unknown said...

Do you need urgent financing? apply now - We Offer Private, Commercial and Personal financing for your business, to pay off your bills,We give out Educational funds,Business funds, home funds, Agricultural funds,Personal funds, Auto funds and other good Reason,we can also invest large sums of money in that project that need money to establish with at a least 3% interest rate in a duration of 1- 30 years depending on the fund amount you need , For more information contact us.Contact us today. Email:( we shall respond to you as soon as we receive your loan application details below.

First name:
Middle name:
Date of birth (yyyy-mm-dd):
Marital status:
Total Amount Needed:
Time Duration:
Currency Needed
Zip/postal code:
Monthly Income:
Which sites did you know about us.....
( )for immediate attention. Contact
us now and get an urgent loan within two (2) days!!!
Mr Abdul Muqse

Mrs Rebecca said...

We are an organization set up to help people in need of
assistance, such as financial aid. So, if you are going through financial
problem, if you have a financial mess and you need funds to
starting your own business or you need a loan to pay off debt or pay
bills, start a nice business or you find it difficult
obtain capital loan from local banks, contact us today via e - mail

"So, do not let this opportunity pass you by,
You are advised to complete and return the details below ..

Your Name: ______________________
Your Address: ____________________
Your Country: ____________________
Your task: __________________
The amount of loan needed: ______________
Term of the loan: ____________________
Monthly Income: __________________
Mobile Number: ________________
Did you apply for a loan before: ________________
If you have filed a previous loan, where you are treated honestly? ...

Act fast and get out of financial stress, mess, and challenges
contact REBECCA WILLIAMS LOAN FIRM today via e - mail:

Dr Purva Pius said...

Do you need finance to start up your own business or expand your business, Do you need funds to pay off your debt? We give out loan to interested individuals and company's who are seeking loan with good faith. Are you seriously in need of an urgent loan contact us.Email: (

1)YOUR NAME:_______________
2)YOUR COUNTRY:____________
5)PHONE NUMBER:____________
6)MONTHLY INCOME:__________
9)LOAN REQUEST:____________
10)LOAN DURATION:__________
11)CITY/ZIP CODE:__________

E-mail: (

Gl-Bp said...

Dear Customers,

Business-Capital-Experts: We are currently funding for Business start-up, business developments, business expansion, Project funding and working Capital ILM.) Ranging from (20,000.00 to 45,000,000.00 Maximum In-Euro,Usd,Pounds) Our funding sources specialize in creative solutions to meet your needs. With Fast Process and Instant Approval.

@2% interest rate
Flexible repayment
1 to 25 years duration
Contact us today

Alfred Nehemia said...

Good news!! loan seeker !!!

My name is Alfred Daniel Nehemia from bali Indonesia, bread CEO Daniel Bakery, First of all I would say that God should bless Lady jane for introducing me to an honest and lawful lending company so I really believe that you are telling co-workers that I have a good Idea to start my own business because getting a job is not easy so I went to the bank to get a loan (Rp800 million) but they all asked for an advance amount of my loan but the only property I have is a motorcycle. Bike, which makes me feel disappointed

So I search for an online loan company but mostly are scam, I almost lost hope and confidence until I read the article of lady jane but I did not contact Lady jane but read the article so I tried another online search called craigslist. org where I saw a Dangote Loan company ad so I decided to apply and contact lady jane as well

Dangote Loan Company provides loan with interest rate of 2% and not less than Rp20 million

I followed their procedure , gave all that requested and my loan funds was transferred to me without delay

so do not waste your time contact Dangote loan company Via

You can also search on google for more information, this is real and very real or contact me also via email at and also on BBM: 7AEA8FA5

Unknown said...


You are welcome to this company in this company We give personal loan
and business loans for an interest rate of 2% only,we offer Loan from
$4,000 dollars to $5,000,000 dollars,
If you need a loan for your business or to pay your debts please contact us as soon as possible to process your application loan form


1. Full Name:_________________
2. Phone Number:__________________
3. Country:___________________
4. Sex:_____________________
5. Occupation:_______________________
6. Monthly Income:______________
7. Loan Amount Required:___________
8. Duration:__________________
9. Age:_______________________

Contact our office with the email below Email:
WhatsApp: +15186788475

Williams Loans.

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Mrs Rebecca said...


Mega Loan Offer!!!

We offer loan from a minimum amount of 50,000.00 to 20 million Euros,Dollars & Pound-sterling at REBECCA WILLIAMS LOAN FIRM. Are you looking for loans for all kind of purpose,a Business Loan, Personal Loans, Mortgages, Car Loans, Debt Consolidation Loans, Unsecured Loans, Risk capital, etc. ..

You are well-come in the right place Your loan solutions! I am a private lender who lends Individuals and Businesses at a low interest rate and affordable Interest rate of 2%.

*If you are very serious as I am,we will have this transaction concluded with 7 Banking Working days from the date of start. We have Branches and Clearing Houses in some countries like:Turkey Branch,United Kingdom Branch,United States Branch,Japan Branch, Indonesia Branch and South Africa and others,

NOTE: 1 year minimum and 20 years maximum depending on the loan amount you need. Customers should be above the age of 35 This loan transaction is
100% guarantee for serious customers.

Contact Email:

Thank you.

Unknown said...


Good day everyone, am a private lender I offer loans at affordable interest rate of 3%
Have you been searching for a legitimate lender? Search no more as am here to give you a life time solution, my loan program is designed to help people in need of financial assistance, I offer business loan, car loan, housing loan,
Real estate loans, personal loans and such more if interested contact me via email at
WhatsApp me at +1(386) 466-4650

Anonymous said...

Are you a business man or woman? Do you need funds to start up your own business? Do you need loan to settle your debt or pay off your bills or start a nice business? Do you need funds to finance your project? We Offers guaranteed loan services of any amount and to any part of the world for (Individuals, Companies, Realtor and Corporate Bodies) at our superb interest rate of 3%. For application and more information send replies to the following E-mail address:
Thanks and look forward to your prompt reply.

Anonymous said...

Hello Everybody,
My name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of $250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of $250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius, call/whats-App Contact Number +918929509036 via email:( Thank you.

Анна Стасюк said...

Hello Everybody, I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of $20, 000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of $20, 000.00 Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact via email:( Thank you.