Monday, November 9, 2015

Silent ‘epidemic’ of ageing

Just to share ......
23 years from today, number of Malaysia aged 65 or older will double to 14%....
23 years are very short indeed. Considering many do not have many dependents. What is worst even they have dependent, they are unable to support their parents. The financial markets have not been very kind either. The recent volatile financial markets have been very tough for most of the fund managers.
Years of low interest rates are actually making things worse. 

Malaysia, like many of its neighbours in Asia, is in danger of getting old before we know it.
CHALLENGES of the ageing population are no longer issues faced by developed countries. Developing countries are fast catching up and Malaysia is not spared.
 In fact, the speed of growth in the number of the aged in developing nations is so alarming that innovative thinking at all levels is needed to address it if we are to avert a crisis, says Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Institute of Gerontology director Prof Dr Tengku Aizan Tengku Abdul Hamid.
It is a “silent epidemic”, she says.
 “While France took more than 100 years to double her population aged 65 and over from 7% to 14% (from 1865 to 1980), the older population in Malaysia aged 65 or over will take only 23 years to double from 7% in 2020 to 14% in 2043.
 “So, compared with the more developed countries, Malaysia has a rather short time to prepare for the transition into an aged nation,” says Tengku Aizan. 
It is therefore urgent to prepare the nation for this eventuality as it takes more than a decade for social institutions to change, she stresses.
One main problem is that ageing issues in the country are handled by separate agencies, making them fragmented and hampering them from providing the best solutions. 
“There should a central planning body that oversees all aspects of population from the life course perspectives, with inputs from all stakeholders and made up of multidisciplinary team members who could analyse, organise and plan the kind of policies and programmes needed to best address the issues,” she says. 
A nation is considered aged when the older population makes up 7% of its total population, Tengku Aizan highlights, quoting a US National Institute on Aging report, “An Aging World: 2008”. 
As the study also points out, Sweden took 85 years to double her population aged 65 and over (1890 to 1975), Australia, 74 years (1938 to 2012), the United States, 68 years (1944 to 2012), Britain, 45 years (1930 to 1975) and Japan, 26 years (1970 to 1996) to double her population aged 65 years and over from 7% to 14%. 
In contrast, developing countries such as China would only take 22 years to double her population aged 65 years (2001 to 2023), Singapore, 20 years (2007 to 2027), Korea, 18 years (1999 to 2017) and Vietnam, 16 years (2020 to 2036), she highlights, based on the findings of K. Kinsella & Y. J. Gist in their book Older Workers, Retirement and Pensions in 1995 as well as Tengku Aizan’s own calculations from the International Data Base (US Census Bureau, 2013). 
Read the rest here:


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    Januari 22, 20128 Replies

    Teluh merupakan realita kejahatan mistis yang berkembang dan marak terjadi di indonesia, baik yang bersifat konvesional maupun modern, pada perkembangannya teluh menyerang lebih halus tidak berkesan sebagai kejahatan mistis gaib, karena teluh modern telah di kemas dan di olah sedemikian rupa sesuai dgn perkembangan zaman sehingga terlihat seperti layaknya penyakit medis, teluh saat ini banyak ragam dan jenisnya diantaranya berupa penyakit serangan jantung yang tiba tiba, kelelahan yang kronis, liver, seolah kecelakaan lalu lintas dll. sedangkan teluh tradisional biasanya masih bermodel benda benda asing yang dimasukan kedalam tubuh si korban atau mengirim berbagai macam binatang melata ke dalam rumah si korban.

    1.Teluh Rawa Rontek

    Korban yang terkena teluh ini akan mati mendadak melalui kecelakaan di jalan raya atau serangan jantung yang fatal, jenis teluh ini paling banyak di minati pasien, karena cara kerjanya yang cepat, rapi serta terkesan alami tanpa meninggalkan jejak.

    2. Teluh Darah Sewu

    Korban yang terkena teluh ini akan mengeluarkan darah segar dari tubuhnya. Bila penanganannya terlambat, korban akan meninggal dunia kehabisan darah segar. Darah akan terus menerus keluar dari organ vital si korban, sampai dia meninggal.

    3.Teluh Balung Mayit

    Jika anda punya musuh bisnis yg selalu menteror atau menggangu anda,akan ingin membalasnya, balung mayit mempunyai kekuatan penghancur yg dahsyat, bisnis musuh anda akan hancur,selalu sial & akhirnya bangkrut.

    4.Teluh Belatung Tiga Belas

    Santet tradisional yg menyebabkan gatal di seluruh tubuh, kemudian membengkak dan tidak mudah disembuhkan oleh siapapun, sampai akhirnya ajal menjemput.

    5.Teluh Tresno mati

    Jika anda ingin memikat seorang gadis yg anda cintai untuk dijadikan istri, dalam waktu singkat si dia akan selalu di rundung kerinduan yg sangat dalam, ingin selalu bertemu melepas rindu,dan minta segera dinikahi. (garansi pasti nikah )

    6.Teluh Agni bayu

    Jika anda ingin membalas dendam kesumat dng cara membumi hanguskan & membakar rumah, bangunan, pasar dsb dengan cara goib, maka teluh inilah solusinya, raja jin “agni bayu” akan mengirim si jago merah meratakan tempat tsb rata dng tanah, dijamin aman.

    7.Teluh Wongso sewu

    Jika anda ingin memenangkan suatu perkara dipengadilan, Mahkamah agung dsb,maka teluh ini solusi terbaik, bisa membuat tuntutan jaksa, keputusan hakim & penegak hukum lainnya menjadi berbalik memenangkan sampean, bergaransi.

    8.Teluh Gugur Janin

    Teluh khusus diperuntukan bagi pasangan yg ingin mengugurkan kandungan secara gaib, bahkan usia janin 9 bulan pun bisa digugurkan, tanpa ada rasa sakit sedikitpun, hanya dalam hitungan 1×24 jam janin dalam kandungan akan hilang raib.

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    Konsul bisa melalui : Hub/SMS : 085-217-085-375
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