Sunday, October 9, 2016

I am alive but still in hibernation

At first I thought I will only start to update my blog when the bear market is here. The logic was to save myself from the anguish of being screw by people for publishing bearish views. During this period of inactivity I spend a lot of time exercising. Yea, I have not dived into swimming pool for a long time and now I am doing that a lot. Whenever I feel like it, I will sink myself in a sofa watching movies or drama. Doing light reading here and there on investment/non-investment related stuffs. At times going to my favorite hawker stalls all over the place. Being able to stay away from financial markets was really great.

Anyway, today I want to share with you on a financial topic.

Recently I came across frustrated shareholder comments in the websphere regarding iCapital. The price started to surge after the AGM...perhaps after the "education" session, many feel compel to buy as a "long term" investment again. Will it last or it's a trap?

There are several investment thoughts out there:

1. iCapital is full of cash now. A market crash will be handy to deploy cash.

When I plotted iCapital Cash as % of NAV vs KLCI, I can see the fund manager has 2 different of thoughts at 2 different cycles. Pre-financial crisis and Post-financial crisis.

Let's look at the pre-financial crisis. You can see KLCI continued to surge and iCapital cash level continued to dwindle in the same direction to the lowest of slightly above 10%. Post financial crisis, as KLCI zoomed ahead and iCapital cash level continued to rise and reached the high level of almost 70% by keep selling their holdings. The fund manager might get angry that if I said that he did not foresee the severity of the last financial crisis and whether next market crisis is a shallow or a very catastrophic one will remain unknown.

We can see that iCapital NAV slide pretty serious during financial crisis and then recovered in tandem with KLCI. The positive point is iCapital outperformed KLCI during recovery period.

Two points that I will leave you to think about if you are thinking to buy aggressively after feeling fired up.

1. When a bear market is here - iCapital NAV will drop also. If there is a serious bear market as iCapital anticipated that KLCI can break below 1,500 or even 1,000 within next 12 - 24 months. If this scenario comes true, let's say the remaining of 30% of holding can decline by 30 - 40%, NAV will drop to about RM 2.8 to RM 2.75 per share. A 20% discount to NAV will force the share to retreat to RM 2.20 level. Long term investors: BEWARE. Don't be a long term investor, be a value investor. RM 2.20 and below for next 2 - 3 years will be about the right accumulation price point.

2. Opportunity cost. iCapital as a disciplined fund manager will take time to deploy cash and also need time for the underlying securities to be recognized by the market. The time can take up to  2 - 3 years after the market capitulated. The whole cycle of market top to fully invested will take up to 5 years. Will many have that kind of patient?

Depressed share price discount to NAV Conspiracy Theory

When the share price of iCapital stagnant for a number of years, some of the investors begin to feel frustrated with the fund manager. What is not helping is City of London begin to accumulate iCapital share. The accumulation was substantial over a period of 5- 6 years with about 16% holdings. The fund manager did not saying very clearly  but if you read in between the lines, iCapital fund manager was implying COL purposely ran bad publicity through media and chat room trying to depress the share price with an objective of accumulating the share at low price. The discount may narrow if they have achieved their objective of accumulation..when they stop buying share price will go up.

My views:

1. Discounts to NAV is normal. If you take a look at the top emerging markets Closed End Funds listed in USA. 10 - 15% discount under Emerging Market funds is not something we should be too alarmed even they pay dividend.

2. iCapital NAV has been moving sideway for a number of years in tandem with the fund manager strategy to raise cash. The share price also more or less mirror that movement. It will continue to do so until iCapital starts to deploy cash to buy stocks and NAV starts to move upward, I think the sentiment may continue to be dampened for a while.

Theory of COL shareholder activism to close down the fund

iCapital has huge supporters and also a number of substantial shareholders have been holding to their shares for a long time.

For example, YM Tunku Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Ahmad Bin Tunku Yahaya/Tunku Sara Binti Tunku Ahmad Yahaya have been the shareholders for about 11 years, since inception of iCapital.

Some other substantial shareholders names like Leow Kok Meow & Sons Sendirian Berhad, Lam Fook Shin, Yeoh Ah Tu, Ocuvas Sdn. Bhd, Lee Siew Lin, etc.have been there for a number of years as well.

If there is any proxy fight, these group of core holders plus some other minority shareholders who are die hard fans of iCapital will easily defeat COL.

So, the probability of COL initiation to close down the fund will be low. Those want to buy and going for a quick flip will be disappointed.


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    “Maharaja Teluh” yang namanya sudah terkenal sampai manca negara, terkenal sejak tahun 1989, dimanapun anda berada…!! jika anda butuh jasa teluh..!! Maka situs ini adalah situs yang tepat & dapat dipertanggung jawabkan..!!

    Menerima jasa teluh bergaransi …!!

    Teluh “KI RADEN PATI” tidak dapat terdeteksi oleh siapapun, baik oleh dukun ataupun ulama/kyai/ustad besar sekalipun..!!!

    Tuntaskan dendam kesumat anda sekarang juga..!!

    Siap melayani jarak jauh..!! dijamin berhasil..!!!

    Alamat Praktek :


    Kab. Malang- Jatim (65164)

    Konsul bisa melalui : Hub/SMS : 085-217-085-375

    Whatsapp: 085-217-085-375

    Mohon maaf, Silahkan Konsultasikan masalah anda secara langsung melalui No HP yg tertera diatas…!! khusus bagi yang serius, tidak main-main dan mempunyai kemampuan pendanaan..!!

    Januari 22, 20128 Replies

    Teluh merupakan realita kejahatan mistis yang berkembang dan marak terjadi di indonesia, baik yang bersifat konvesional maupun modern, pada perkembangannya teluh menyerang lebih halus tidak berkesan sebagai kejahatan mistis gaib, karena teluh modern telah di kemas dan di olah sedemikian rupa sesuai dgn perkembangan zaman sehingga terlihat seperti layaknya penyakit medis, teluh saat ini banyak ragam dan jenisnya diantaranya berupa penyakit serangan jantung yang tiba tiba, kelelahan yang kronis, liver, seolah kecelakaan lalu lintas dll. sedangkan teluh tradisional biasanya masih bermodel benda benda asing yang dimasukan kedalam tubuh si korban atau mengirim berbagai macam binatang melata ke dalam rumah si korban.

    1.Teluh Rawa Rontek

    Korban yang terkena teluh ini akan mati mendadak melalui kecelakaan di jalan raya atau serangan jantung yang fatal, jenis teluh ini paling banyak di minati pasien, karena cara kerjanya yang cepat, rapi serta terkesan alami tanpa meninggalkan jejak.

    2. Teluh Darah Sewu

    Korban yang terkena teluh ini akan mengeluarkan darah segar dari tubuhnya. Bila penanganannya terlambat, korban akan meninggal dunia kehabisan darah segar. Darah akan terus menerus keluar dari organ vital si korban, sampai dia meninggal.

    3.Teluh Balung Mayit

    Jika anda punya musuh bisnis yg selalu menteror atau menggangu anda,akan ingin membalasnya, balung mayit mempunyai kekuatan penghancur yg dahsyat, bisnis musuh anda akan hancur,selalu sial & akhirnya bangkrut.

    4.Teluh Belatung Tiga Belas

    Santet tradisional yg menyebabkan gatal di seluruh tubuh, kemudian membengkak dan tidak mudah disembuhkan oleh siapapun, sampai akhirnya ajal menjemput.

    5.Teluh Tresno mati

    Jika anda ingin memikat seorang gadis yg anda cintai untuk dijadikan istri, dalam waktu singkat si dia akan selalu di rundung kerinduan yg sangat dalam, ingin selalu bertemu melepas rindu,dan minta segera dinikahi. (garansi pasti nikah )

    6.Teluh Agni bayu

    Jika anda ingin membalas dendam kesumat dng cara membumi hanguskan & membakar rumah, bangunan, pasar dsb dengan cara goib, maka teluh inilah solusinya, raja jin “agni bayu” akan mengirim si jago merah meratakan tempat tsb rata dng tanah, dijamin aman.

    7.Teluh Wongso sewu

    Jika anda ingin memenangkan suatu perkara dipengadilan, Mahkamah agung dsb,maka teluh ini solusi terbaik, bisa membuat tuntutan jaksa, keputusan hakim & penegak hukum lainnya menjadi berbalik memenangkan sampean, bergaransi.

    8.Teluh Gugur Janin

    Teluh khusus diperuntukan bagi pasangan yg ingin mengugurkan kandungan secara gaib, bahkan usia janin 9 bulan pun bisa digugurkan, tanpa ada rasa sakit sedikitpun, hanya dalam hitungan 1×24 jam janin dalam kandungan akan hilang raib.

    Alamat Praktek Ki RADEN PATI:


    Kab. Malang- Jatim (65164)

    Konsul bisa melalui : Hub/SMS : 085-217-085-375
    Whatsapp: 085-217-085-375

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