There are countless tests can be found if you Goggle Investment Personality. The one that I like better is designed by Mark Tier. He is basically thinks that there are three primary personalities: Analyst, Trader and Actuary.
The Analyst is personified by Warren Buffett. He carefully thinks through all the implications of an investment before putting a single dime on the table.
The Trader acts primarily from unconscious competence. This archetype, epitomized by George Soros, needs to have a “feel” for the market. He acts decisively, often on incomplete information, trusting his “gut feel,” supremely confident that he can always beat a hasty retreat.
The Actuary deals in numbers and probabilities. Like an insurance company he is focused on the overall outcome, totally unconcerned with any single event. The Actuarial investment strategy is, perhaps, best characterized by the legendary investor Benjamin Graham. It’s also the basis of most successful commodity trading systems.
You may want to visit http://marktier.com/Main/ipp.php to learn a bit more.
You can also take a test to tell you what is your natural investing personality at http://marktier.com/ipp1/qpage.php
The other site that I found useful to determine
Your investment experience and knowledge
Your self-confidence
Your ability to cope with stress and use your emotions to your advantage
Your capacity for assuming risk
Your preference for solving problems in a group or on your own
The link is http://www.capitalinternational.ca/action/KeysToInvesting?page=InvIPQ
Disclosure: I am not associated with anyone of them.
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